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Spinning a thread of life

What do you this of when you sit behind your spinning wheel? What crosses your mind? Once, of course, you're comfortable with letting your mind wander off and not being too focused on the thread at your hands?

My mind seems to find the oddest places to wander, joining together scraps of stories and facts I seem to retain. I once read this comic book called 'Thorgal', where the main character, Thorgal, journeyed to the end of time to save his wife’s life. At the crucial moment, standing in front of the Master of Time, he needed to cut one thread, out of millions of threads running through the Universe. But it was not a simple thread but a life. 'A life for a life', the Master of Time said. And Thorgal could not do it. I won't spoil the story in case you want to find it yourself, but what if what we spin is not just a thread, but someone's life? Like the Slavic Goddess Mokosh? I sometimes look at the wool in my hands and imagine it, (and it is quite a scary concept) and try to spin the most thread I can, making sure the person's faith that rests in my hands is as smooth and bump-free as possible.

Don't worry, I don't really think this is what I'm doing, but the mind is indeed a strange place...

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